Monday, February 21, 2011

Once more, with feeling...

They say the third time's a charm, and since this is my third attempt at blogging, I hope "they" are right.  My previous blogs have all fallen victim to my self diagnosed adult ADHD coupled with the simple chaos of life.  Inspired by blogs I regularly follow, which are written by both strangers and friends (hi, Quinn!), I've decided to take it up again.  My hope is that it will help me to slow down a little, take a look around, and enjoy myself more, as well as share some of my interests (fair warning:  this may include youtube videos of kittens.  Just saying.)

To start off the sharing, here are videos of an old favorite and a new obsession.  First, Playing for Change's cover of Stand by Me, performed entirely by street musicians from around the world.  I dare you not to smile:  

And Adele, my current obsession.  Seriously, I'm about thisfar from living in a tent at the end of her driveway.  Over-processed, auto-tuned-to-death "singers" listen up:  this is what real talent sounds like.

Ok, the goal is to add at least four posts per week.  Here goes...